The Twitter experience in 2017

About this time last year I added a few quick words here about what happened on Twitter during #MedComms Day 2016 and provided copies of the Twitter steam and Tweetreach report – it was a lot of activity!

Well, this year we saw a whole lot more again! And much of it was really engaging.

Once again I’ve captured the 2017 #MedComms Day Twitter stream here as a PDF document and it makes for fascinating browsing.

[DOWNLOAD THE PDF – Warning: it is 177 pages and a 38 MB file!]

The TweetReach report for #MedComms over the last few days (essentially nothing much happens other than on #MedComms Day) shows 299 contributors, 1,009 tweets, reaching 203,246 accounts and clocking up 936,381 impressions, which once again sounds like quite a lot for small specialist business community.

[DOWNLOAD THE PDF – this one is only 72 pages and a 2.5 MB file!]

The comparison with last year can be seen below.

As I always say, what exactly it means in practice is another question. I’ll leave you all to ponder that one. Many thanks anyway to all the “Tweeps” who did join in.

Looking back:

In 2012 when we started, Twitter wasn’t mentioned

In 2013 we had what I referred to at the time as “a small but steady stream of tweets” and I listed 30 of us [Download the 2013 Tweet Stream]

In 2014 we saw a significant jump in activity [Download the 2014 Tweet Stream]

In 2015 we saw a massive jump in activity – [DOWNLOAD THE TWEETREACH REPORT ]

In 2016 we saw another big jump in activity – [DOWNLOAD THE TWEETREACH REPORT ]


Punch drunk – another morning after the day before

On 7 June 2017 we celebrated A Day in the Life of MedComms supported by Concise. Contributions came in from around the world and were published here as they arrived throughout the day whilst over at Twitter we saw a steady stream of messages using hashtag #MedComms (see image below and I’ll post more about the Twitter experience separately).

Browse through the many posts and see what you think. Overall, the variety was quite impressive, and together they provide an insight into daily working life in MedComms. Hopefully everyone had a little fun along the way.

This is the sixth year we have undertaken this exercise. Please let me know if you think it’s worthwhile.

I’d really appreciate hearing your comments and feedback either posted here or sent direct to me at

Many thanks to the many who participated and supported us, one way or another.

I hope you enjoy the stories. Scroll down, use the search box or use the menu to the right hand side to read more about A Day in the Life of MedComms.


Peter Llewellyn, NetworkPharma Ltd, founder of the global MedComms Networking Community and Curator of the 2017 Day in the Life of MedComms.

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Wrapping up for 2017

I need some sleep and it does look like we’re finished here for the day. So I am calling a halt to our MedComms Day 2017. It’s been interesting but a lot of work again. Hopefully it’s provided a useful insight into the specialist business we call MedComms and been a bit of fun for everyone as well.

Please note, I’m very aware I now need to go back over some of the postings and tidy the content. Please feel free to email me at and point me at any errors that need fixing if you spot them before me.

I’d welcome comments and feedback so please do leave comments here or contact me directly. I am, as always, happy to chat anytime.

Meanwhile, please keep the conversations going on Twitter using hashtag #medcomms and join us at the MedComms Networking Facebook page and the MedComms Networking LinkedIn Group as well. Anyone working in or around MedComms is welcome to join in with the activities of the MedComms Networking Community.

Goodnight all, wherever in the world you are tonight. I need a drink!


Peter Llewellyn


A final message, from our Sponsors

We’re grateful to Concise for supporting our initiative this year. So, as it appears that #MedComms Day 2017 is drawing to a close now, we’ll leave Stan Park, Client Services Director at Concise and based in San Francisco, to have the final word…

The sun is setting on the Pacific Ocean and our team in San Francisco has been following all the #MedComms Day 2017 updates online.  It’s a great feeling to be part of a global community! I’ve included a picture of our office — I managed to get a picture with a sliver of sunshine today, which was no small feat.


MedComms Day Haiku From Fishawack’s Editorial Services Team

The #MedComms working day is drawing to a close on the Eastern side of the USA. This is from Jim Slade, Executive Director, Editorial Services at The Fishawack Group’s offices in Philadelphia.


I hope we’re not too late to get in an entry from Fishawack’s Editorial Services team: two dozen medical editors, editorial review specialists, and editorial assistants/associates across our group companies. We’ve put together a series of haiku that touch on the expected and unexpected journeys our team experiences on a weekly basis. Some members of our US team and two UK colleagues took time out of a busy day to stand for this quick photo. Take care!

Oh, Oxford comma
Without you, confusion can reign
The editor’s friend

Red pencil is key
But that’s not the sum of me
Seeking solutions

Review Specialist
Your manuscript stays on track
Fully compliant

Posters are released
Client hit-list is in hand,
Summaries commence!

Borrow, never steal
Permission is required
If you’ve got to ask

Writer sends request
Can you do a data check?
Here’s the CSR

Truncated deadlines
We rise to the occasion
For our submissions

Deadlines are today
Zinc running very slowly
Colleagues always help

Digital content
Innovative as it is
Doesn’t write itself

Clients love our team
Annotated content sent
And they reap rewards

Happy MedComms Day
Science nerds and grammar geeks
We have found our home!

It’s a wrap in the UK

David Jenkins from AXON has wrapped up for the day in London.

A busy #MedComms day at AXON! Around our daily client responsibilities we’ve had training, a team lunch and cake! Look out for our mascot Axel the AXON owl…

We also asked some of the AXON team to discuss their experiences in medical communications in four short videos:



MedComms Life in sunny San Francisco

Jonnie Plumb has recently moved to San Francisco with Bioscript Group.

Nearly 2 years ago to the day, I made my first steps into a career in MedComms. Having toiled in academia for 10 years, MedComms seemed like an opportune way of continuing all the things I love about science (learning about new diseases, therapy areas, technologies, and meeting leaders in their field) without having to worry about failing experiments, squeezing an expanding lab team into a contracting lab space, and the obligatory lab inspections…

The light shone a path to Bioscript (in Macclesfield, UK) and I have never looked back. When an opportunity arose for myself and my wife to relocate to San Francisco at the beginning of 2017, Bioscript were wholly supportive, allowing and facilitating a move to set up a Bioscript office on the West Coast. It was time to let the sun set over Macclesfield and awaken to a new dawn of opportunities in the US.

Living and working in the Bay Area obviously has its pros, however, getting up for 6 am teleconferences with colleagues and clients in Europe is not always the easiest way to start the day. However, once Europe has gone to bed, your email alerts cease and you can focus on the jobs at hand. Step out at lunchtime for a daily dose of vitamin D and your mind is clear and you can’t help but smile.

MedComms is not without its challenges (tight deadlines, authors going AWOL etc.), but I believe you need to be challenged in order to develop, whether that’s professionally, physically or personally. So, if you’re undecided about making that step from academia, all I can say is get into MedComms, find an agency that is a perfect fit for you and see where in the world that decision takes you.

Did I mention it’s sunny over here?


Working life in Philly

MushrockRegina Mushrock, Account Manager – inScience Communications, Philadelphia describes her typical #MedComms working day.

A typical day-in-the-life starts with cruelly being awoken around 5:00am to the screaming alarm of my mobile vibrating nearby and promptly smacking snooze until the sirens begin again precisely 9 minutes later. This sometimes goes on twice!

Hopping into the car around 6:00am after my morning preparations, I head to the train station. There’s a train scheduled a 6:44am, but I’ve only ever made that once and only by chance.! I usually end up on the 6:59am train.  The one hour trip always involves earbuds in, Amazon music on, and the playlist on shuffle. Thank you, Bose, for always being there for me when I need you most.

Occasionally, I’ll run into my colleague at Jefferson Station and we head into the office together. When it’s nice out, it’s very likely a walk will follow from the station to the office building. If it’s gross out, too many things waiting at the office, or laziness overtakes, the subway is a classic and frequent decision.

It’s slightly after 8:00am. I arrive at the office and greet my other early-bird colleague and proceed to filter through mail, organizing myself for the day as other teammates arrive. The view from the window is pricelessly wonderful here in Philadelphia and it’s rather amusing to be able to receive your news information from the messages filtering across the FOX NEWS banner.

In our news, it’s congress season, so there’s a bit of chaos in the office these days. There’s lots of open dialogue to let out frustrations but also to express excitement in the wins. The successes are so important.  We have responses from authors and successful submissions, as well as praises from clients. This is all in addition to the typical meetings scattered throughout the day, both internally and externally with clients. Amazingly, all my meetings were canceled and I’m appreciating the extra time to get through things, like applying pressure to reviewers, cleaning up Datavision, working on financial items, redoing timelines, and calming anxious clients. As they say, “there’s never a dull moment in publications!”

Since it is busy nowadays, lunch is often taken at desks or quickly obtained and brought back, but escaping in the afternoon becomes essential to ones sanity in the workplace.

All of a sudden it’s 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Where did the day go?  There have been highly entertaining conversations about food or fun to break up the day; I’m convinced that laughter is contagious as we share crazy stories or sarcastic retorts. We certainly aren’t a dull group! At the end of the day, we’re all in this together!


Complete HealthVizion’s MedComms Chart Toppers

This news just in from Stephen Allison from Complete HealthVizion…

In the spirit of #MedComms Day we decided to have a little fun and compile our ‘’#MedComms Chart Toppers’, a list of our favourite music-themed MedComms puns! Here are our favourites so far:

  1. “Life is a rolled up poster (you’ve just got to write it)” – Ronan Keating
  2. “Signed, Sealed, Submitted I’m Yours” – Stevie Wonder
  3. “Wouldn’t It Be NICE” – The Beach Boys
  4. “Here comes the sunshine act” – The Beatles
  5. “Every Ref. You Take” – The Police
  6. “Symposia of 69” – Brian Adams
  7. RefMan on the moon” (from the album Infographic For the People) – R.E.M
  8. “Everybody HEORts” – R.E.M
  9. “(When you go, will you send back…) a Letter to the Editor” – The Proclaimers
  10. “Eat. Sleep. Write. Repeat” – Fatboy Slim

Tweet your #MedComms Chart Topper suggestions to @Complete_hv

We’ve had some great ideas come in so far!

CHV_Twitter_Chart Toppers top10

At Solaris Health, it’s a case of Simon says…

Read on, it’s worth it….

The day typically begins with a warm welcome from colleagues when I walk through the door.


It’s 08:50 and already the office atmosphere suggests another busy day. The buzz of activity at Solaris Health could give a visitor the impression that we are an extension of the London Stock Exchange – all this energy and running around.

No sooner am I comfortably settled than the call goes out for our monthly breakfast team meeting. Always well attended, I’m told that this is due to the educational content and news updates, but I cannot help thinking that the coffee and pastries help! Today there are two main topics. Firstly, we receive advice from the management team on how to build strong and effective working relationships with the very important procurement managers at our client companies. This is quickly followed by an update on World Bedwetting Day and the tremendous profile-raising social media campaign that we are coordinating. This generates loud applause, much discussion and a genuinely happy team. Finally, we have some news regarding another new business win, two pitches to which we have been invited, and a couple of forthcoming social events. Looks like we’re going to be busy, both working and playing.

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Celebrating in style!

We’ve just heard from the guys at imc who are starting on the champagne in London!

integrated medhealth communication (imc), a recent sponsor addition to MedComms Networking, celebrated #MedComms Day in style at their offices in central London!

The imc team (the ones that were not on site at the time!) enjoyed celebrating MedComms Day with some bubbles, whilst their North American colleagues were busy moving to a larger premises in Toronto. Cheers!


Cake and Comms

Simon Page, Managing Scientific Director at Cambridge Medical, sends this update from Cambridge…

At Cambridge Medical, we are always on the lookout for good reasons to have cake, and #MedComms Day 2017 provided another golden opportunity. These two baked delights were decided upon because of their similarity to every proofreader’s favourite punctuation marks – the oft-confused hyphen and en dash (or “N-rule”). Over cake, the Cambridge team enjoyed taking part in @OxPharmaGenesis’s treasure hunt around Oxford – thanks guys!

Energised by the cake, the team returned to their desks for a varied afternoon of medical communications projects, with team members working on a mix of publications, medical affairs projects, and value materials. The work proves to be as varied as the weather, however, and as team members start to head off at 17:00, the sun has disappeared and it looks like we could be in for a wet cycle home!

MedComms Cakes!

Brain cells…

dmcFrances O’Connor, Business Unit Head at new MedComms agency, DMC has provided an update on Riley’s progress, having first introduced us to him 2 years ago!

It has been one of those typical ‘mad’ days for me today, where, since 8 am, I have run from meeting to meeting. Looking back at the last few years of #medcommsday updates, I get to take a step back and drink in this crazy life I lead and count the brain cells I still have control over.

Two years ago on #MedComms Day, I tweeted a picture of my 4-day old baby. Today, the day after his second birthday, I’ve just video conferenced the very technologically-able little person to say Hi while he splashed Daddy’s phone with bath water (Sorry Hubs). The attached image has nothing to do with MedComms, but everything to do with the hourly updates I get from our lovely Nanny Karen, so I can still feel part of Riley’s day.

I’m staying late to get myself ready for a couple of new business meetings tomorrow, but mainly, because I have fallen in love with a new local-to-work fitness class involving trampolines that starts at 19.30, so it is not all ‘work and no play’ for me here in Tunbridge Wells, Kent.

In fact, our new venture is going so well, we’ve added three new people to the team in the last two weeks. Jack started today as our Business Development Director and he will be followed closely by another Medical Writer and Account Director. Although it is hard, hard work at the moment, I am loving every.single.moment. It feels like we’re really making a difference with some of the programmes we’re working on, and that’s all I’ve ever wanted from #medcomms.

So it is back to swotting up, then some exercise, quickly followed by falling into bed, hope you’ve all had a lovely day!